
emily • she/they • 21+

i’m emily, and i like to tweet about my interests. i am an artist and an aspiring digital animator :)! i also play lots of games, so beware of screenshot spams. sometimes (rarely) i stream on my twitch channel.

don’t follow if
•you support adult x minor in fictional media
•you're transphobic/a terf/will make jokes about such topics
•you like """dark humor""" (triggered, etc)
•you are homophobic/lgbta+-phobic
•you’re racist
• you don't like yumejo/yume/self shipping because i TEND to do that but not publicly LOL. also i love yume
if you realize you don't wanna follow me anymore you can unfollow, mutuals preferably softblock please!also, i won’t follow you back if you rt too many nsfw/borderline nsfw things onto your profile… i’m not very comfortable seeing that!!!!if you're not comfortable with me following/interacting with you, don't be afraid to say so!

•ffvii ♥
•granblue fantasy ♥
•ki:u ♥
•rf:4 ♥
•kingdom hearts (1+2)
•splatoon (1+2+3) ♥
•monster hunter
•trigun (manga, anime [1998+2023]) ♥
•devilman (manga, OVAs+anime [2018])
•gurren lagann
•code geass
•art ♥
•animation ♥
•jpop (kenshi yonezu) ♥
•nijisanji (kanae/kuzuha/ChroNoiR) ♥